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Monday, March 7, 2016

Thandai Masala

How to make Thandai Masala | Super Quick recipe of Thandai Masala

Hello Friends,

Happy Maha Shivaratri. Today is the auspicious day to worship Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. On this pious day, may lord shiva bless you with all the good things in your life and take away all obstacles and make all your dreams come true. 

Maha Shivaratri is a Hindu festival celebrated every year in reverence of the God Shiva. Maha Shivaratri means great night of Shiva. It is the day when lord shiva married to Goddess Parvati

Today I'm going to share a super quick and easy recipe of thandai masala powder. As you all know thandai is traditionally associated with Maha Shivaratri and Holi. Thandai is one of the most favorite drink of Lord Shiva.

Thandai literally means supercool, refreshing summer drink. Thandai is milk based refreshing cool beverage, which is flavored with fennel seeds, green cardamom, dry fruits, rose petals, poppy seeds, charmagaz and spiced with black peppercorns, nutmeg and cinnamon powder.. 

Charmagaz is a Hindi word which means a combination of four seeds and nuts. The seeds and nuts used in this preparation are pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds, musk melon seeds and almonds.

The thandai recipe which I'm going to share now, each and every ingredient which goes in this recipe is added in moderation as purpose was to make this drink super healthy. If you're looking for super cool thandai then increase the quantity of fennel seeds, khus khus, rose petals and charmagaz.. If melon seeds are not available to you then you can substitute with the cashew nuts..

☑ Let's start with recipe details 

Preparation time 5-10 min
Cooking time 3-5 min (dry roasting of makhana, almonds and melon seeds)
Yield 150-200 grams powder

☑ Ingredients required 

1tbsp almonds
1tbsp melon seeds
1tbsp edible rose petals 
1½ tsp poppy seeds - khus khus
1tbsp roasted Makhana - foxnuts
1tsp black pepper 
1tsp fennel seeds - sanuf
1tsp green cardamom - elachi
5-10 saffron threads - kesar
30 gram mishri - Crystallized Sugar
1½tsp Cinnamon powder - dalchini powder 
¼ tsp nutmeg powder

☑ Method 

◾Put all the ingredients in a mixer grinder jar and grind to fine powder. Our thandai masala is ready. Store this in a cool place- preferably refrigerated and best to consume within 3-4 weeks.

To be continued.....

Also refer: 

Kesar Thandai  

Thandai Syrup


  1. Wow.. interesting. Never tried it with melon seeds and makhana.. great share.

  2. Such a beautiful share the addition of using makhana in it.

  3. This is so beautiful n new to me... just loving it...

  4. Love the addition of nutmeg, cinnamon and makhana. A must try recipe!

  5. What a great thandai masala share! This is my visit. Your recipes are very good. Love to keep visiting again!

  6. Thank you soooo much Vidya, Jolly, Soma, Anu and Anonymous for sharing valuable feedback. Very much appreciated.:)

  7. Thandai is one i always keep hearing in tv. I think its high time i prepare thandai. Ingredients seem easily available. Thanks for the post. Need to try atleast now

  8. You have made it very colorful!! Lovely presentation!!


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